The rumors of their separation are greatly exaggerated ... again!
Oh Lordy!!!
The rumors are back again. The powerful and glamourous power couple of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are said to be separating yet again.
It seems like every 6 weeks or so (or on a verrry slow news week) our favourite power couple are splitting up and going their merry way.
Now I don't really know what's happening with Brad and Angelina ... but I have a few good guesses based on my intuition.
They are NOT splitting up and here's why.
Top 10 Reasons Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are Not splitting up.
1) They have 3 kids together and care about them so very much. A separation or a split will be very traumatic for the kids. They don't want to traumatize their kids so ...
2) You can't believe everything you read in the papers. The rumor mills help to sell alot of papers ... so read everything with a grain of salt.
3) Will they really separate with a wee little 3 month old baby? No. I don't think so. Plus - that's just not right.
4) Angelina already has her hands full with 3 children and now her beloved mom - Marcheline - is battling cancer. With all this happening in your life who has time to split with your sweetie lover??! You need the extra set of hands around the house.
5) Angelina will start work in a few months on the Daniel Pearl film project that Brad Pitt's company is producing. This is a very anticipated film and both Angelina and Brad seem very passionate about it. Instead of splitting apart, this looks like a project to bring the 2 even closer together.
6) The world still needs help. Look around you and see the multitude of poverty and suffering around the globe. Both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have very big hearts and want to help ease the world's suffering and pain very much. Nothing is sexier than a compassionate and gentle partner who wants to use their star attraction and truly be of service to the world.
Translation: Brad and Angie still find each other sexy. Awwwww ...
7) Hey they gotta stay together. I want to see them in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith II ... Married with Children."
That ought to be fun.
8) Brad is hoping to get Angelina pregnant with another child.
9) Brad still has not figured out the mystery that is Angelina Jolie!!??!
10) Angelina is still discovering many things about herself and her world since getting together with Brad.
So there you go folks. There are waaaaay more positives and good things to this holy union than there are negatives. So all you nasty Nellies out there hold your tongues. Our compassionate couple is still together and this is a very good thing.